You might have seen sick people wearing masks to prevent the flu from spreading, but these are the times when everyone needs to wear a mask. What is the difference between normal flu and COVID-19?
COVID-19 is caused due to coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 that stays on the surface for quite a few days. It is highly contagious and has now become a threat to human life and the economy of most countries. This is why people have taken social distancing measures and worked from home.
Healthcare organizations like the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had issued guidelines that said that it is compulsory to wear a mask for everyone under certain circumstances. Although, you need to find genuine masks that can control the spread of infection. For example, N95 masks must be approved by the FDA.
You can find protective N95 face masks that are approved by the FDA online at Custom Earth Promos which is an eco-friendly company that specializes in making face masks and reusable bags out of natural and recyclable materials at affordable prices. N95 masks have been proven to be the best protective masks to protect from COVID-19.
Visit their website: https://www.customearthpromos.com/health-wellness/disposable-face-masks.html
Types of masks and how does it matter:
There are three main types of masks available in the market:
- Surgical Masks: These are masks with three protective layers that can prevent large particles and droplets from entering into the body. A person suffering from cold, cough, and common flu can wear this mask.
- N95 respirators: These masks have been certified to be the best to protect from infections that can be spread through smaller particles and droplets. It is a one-time wear mask and is to be disposed of after use. It is recommended that healthcare workers wear this mask.
- Reusable or handmade cloth masks: You can also make your mask by yourself by following the guidelines issued by healthcare organizations. These masks can be used again if washed and sanitized properly.
Does wearing a mask effective in preventing the spread of coronavirus?
According to healthcare organizations and other experiments, wearing masks properly can slow down the growth rate of infectious people in the country. As not all COVID patients need to have symptoms that can be recognized before 7-14 days of being exposed to the virus, people must wear a mask to protect themselves and others.
You must make sure that the mask fits your face and follow all the guidelines explaining how to wear and remove the mask.
Who Should Wear A Mask?
Every sick person should wear a surgical mask. However, during pandemic situations like these, it is better if everyone wears a mask when they are stepping out of their homes. According to various studies and the above reasons, people who have the symptoms of coronavirus must wear a mask to protect others.
It is even better if other people who don’t suffer from symptoms wear a mask as we don’t know who has been exposed to the virus. It might be asymptomatic or a person might not have shown symptoms yet.